Why inside out?

The name Inside Out ties to its early days when I was a college student discovering the beauty of science. I would fill any bottle cap, bezel or random object I could find with images I saw under the microscope, top with resin and find a way to wear it. I would take the beauty of what I saw on the inside of our bodies and wear it on the outside of my body; “Your insides are beautiful, wear them on the outside!”



jux·​ta·​po·​si·​tion | \ ˌjək-stə-pə-ˈzi-shən \

: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect

Meet the Maker

Inside Out was sparked from a love of science. I was enthralled with the images I saw under a microscope; an ever-changing abstract art work. I wanted to share that beauty with the world. Inside Out started very small, making pendants and designing necklaces for friends and family. When I discovered pour painting, I was obsessed with the science in the art. The final product seemed to mimic the cell diagrams I had learned as a child. Inside Out has now grown into a strong, female-owned jewelry and home décor brand.

What is inside out?

At its core, Inside Out is all about the juxtaposition of art and science. It can take the sensitive topics of sexual health or chronic disease and turn it into a beautiful, wearable, conversation piece. Inside Out seeks to make science, and the wonder behind it, more visible. A new Era of the artist representation of the cell.